Monday, February 02, 2015

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

A weekly event hosted by Sheila from Book Journey to discuss your reading week ~ the books you've read and those you plan on reading in the coming week. I love this meme, it helps me stay on track ... well, most of the time. Thanks Sheila! 

On the home front: 
Lady Elliot Island was the most amazing experience, we were so very lucky to see and do everything I was hoping to ... turtle hatchlings, manta rays, back rubs for turtles, beautiful snorkelling, sunrise, birds up close, great beach walks. I fell in love with the turtles :)

Wow where did January go? Mia is 7 months old now and crawling, pulling herself up and taking steps hanging on to something. I'm so lucky I get to spend so much time with her, being a nonna is just the best and I treasure the special bond I have with this little poppet.

This week I have a lot of catching up to do with reading, reviews, photos etc. We have a couple of weeks at home so I'm hoping to find a read that drags me out of my reading funk after the brilliance of Kristin Hannah's The Nightingale :) 


Giveaway Winners:

Jess @ The Never Ending Bookshelf
Kimba Caffeinate
(emails on the way)


Reviews & Posts: (click on title)

THE NIGHTINGALE by Kristin Hannah ~ I left a piece of my heart on the pages of this book!! 5 star ++ don't miss it!! 



Finished last week:

THE VIOLETS OF MARCH by Sarah Jio ~ this one was a win from Stacy @Stacy's Books quite a few years ago. Love Sarah Jio's writing and enjoyed this little treasure. 


This Week's Reading List: 

THE MIME ORDER by Samantha Shannon (Bone Season #2) ~ page 40, I'm struggling. I really enjoyed The Bone Season, anyone read The Mime Order? Does it take off? 


THE GIRL ON THE TRAIN by Paula Hawkins (audiobook) 


Reviews Coming:

THE MAXWELL SISTERS by Loretta Hill ~ enjoyable. Review Tue

KEEP QUIET by Lisa Scottoline (audiobook) ~ heartbreaking mess but I really enjoyed my first Lisa Scottoline read. 

LEAVING TIME by Jodi Picoult ~ loved the elephants and the mystery. 

THE TUDOR VENDETTA by C.W. Gortner (The Spymaster Chronicles #3) ~ enjoyed it and surreal to be visiting Westminster, walking London and Southwalk while reading this one. 

THE WINTER CROWN by Elizabeth Chadwick (Eleanor of Aquitaine #2) ~ (audiobook) finally finished. I know it took me a while but that's not a reflection on how good it was ... excellent!! 


  1. The Lady Elliot Island pics are gorgeous!!!

    Enjoy The Girl on the Train! I notice it's getting a lot of press!

    1. I want to go back soon Deb, it was beautiful! Just started The Girl on the Train, the narrator is good.

  2. That decides me, definitely going to look in to Lady Ellis island - photos are so wonderful. Looks like this is a good time of the year to go for the hatchlings. Hope you hook into another book after The Nightingale, sometimes it is difficult to come from such a great book. I've read a lot about The Girl on the Train - not sure if it is for me as not a big thriller reader. I'll wait to see what you say about it! Mia is gorgeous.

    1. I'd go back in a heartbeat Kathryn, and yes January through til March/April is a great time to see hatchlings ... so cute! Apparently the water is even clearer snorkelling in the winter months but of course it's colder so even though the humidity is dreadful in summer, spending most of your time in the water is great.

  3. Sound/looks like you had a great visit. Wonderful little video! I've seen several rave reviews for The Nightingale. I'll be watching for your thoughts on The Girl on the Train. Happy Reading!

    1. I can't rave enough about The Nightingale ... I'm hoping something completely different like a psychological thriller will be just what I need.

  4. Those are awesome pictures, what a beautiful place. Love the baby turtles! Would love t osee the manta rays too. The Girl On The Train is so hot right now, and I'm looking forward to it.

    1. Got a couple of pictures of manta rays Greg, they can be quite playful but we weren't in quite the right place at the right time. The turtle hatchlings were definitely a highlight!

  5. That trip looks AWESOME. Just wow. Great photographs, too. I would love to do that.

    Everyone is talking about The Girl on the Train. I think I'm going to read it once the hype dies down!

    1. I'd love to go again Becca ... that's how special it was. I had audible credits to use so I'm hoping it's a good listen.

  6. Those pictures are amazing, I love the sea turtles. They grow up way to fast. Enjoy your reads and have a great week.

    1. Thanks Shandy Jo, I fell in love with the turtles, I had no idea they had such gorgeous personalities. Will be by your blog soon :)

  7. Such beautiful photos from your trip!!! Those turtles are gorgeous creatures!! And your grandbaby is just the sweetest!! (even my MIL thinks so ... she saw my phone when you posted her pic on FB!) :)

    1. LOL Julie, that's so sweet, we think she's the sweetest too but we are just a wee bit biased ;)

  8. Those pictures are amazing! I don't think I ever heard of turtle back rubs, but wow! Love the picture of your little one. What a charmer!

    1. Thanks Kay, I love being a nonna and I'm super lucky they live close so I get to spend a lot of time with her. I didn't know until our trip that turtles love getting their shells rubbed and scratched ... very friendly these ones :)

  9. WOW, what wonderful photos and a spectacular location!i hope you enjoy your reading week,
    Shelleyrae @ Book'd Out

    1. Can't believe I didn't know about Lady Elliot Island before this, especially since it's practically on our doorstep ...

  10. I'm glad you had such a great time on your trip. The pictures are amazing!

    I look forward to your thoughts on The Girl on the Train. I've heard it is being compared to Gone Girl.

    1. Thanks Christina. I'm just starting The Girl on the Train today. I've only seen the movie of Gone Girl and she was just a wee bit scary lol

  11. Amazing photos! Glad you enjoyed your time. Can't wait to see what you think of The Girl on the Train. My work book club is going to read it this month.

    1. Thanks Brandie. I'm listening to The Girl on the Train, not far in but I like the narrator so that's always a good start :)

  12. Mia is adorable and I can relate to how much you are enjoying being a nonna. My first two grandsons (cousins) came within days of each other, and then two years later, their sisters arrived, also within days of each other. Insta-nonna.

    I lived next door to one of those granddaughters for four years...and the bond is amazing. She is now almost 18 (both girls will be this month).

    Enjoy the time you are spending with her....

    And enjoy your books, too; I also loved The Nightingale and Leaving Time. Keep Quiet was another one I found very riveting.

    I have The Girl on the Train...and I may just have to read it before the others on my queue!

    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. aww that's lovely, it makes a difference having so much time with them, the bond you have with your granddaughter sounds extra special. I'm just starting The Girl on the Train today ...

  13. I love sea turtles, they are so cute! I keep seeing a lot of people talking about the Girl on the Train. I need to read The Bone Season.
    Check out my Monday Post

    1. I was surprised at the turtles different personalities ... very cute! I really enjoyed The Bone Season, hope I get into The Mime Order soon. Coming to check out your Monday post Lisa :)

  14. Good luck on finding your next 5 star read. Nice looking pictures of turtles too. I envy you the warmth. We are getting bunches of snow. Come see my week here. Happy reading!

    1. I'm fantasising about snow but I'd like it without the blizzards and snow storms lol, The turtles have the right idea, being in the water is the only pleasant place to be lol

  15. When someone asks me what the cutest animals are, I never think of sea turtles. Then I see a picture of one, and I think they are just so damn adorable.

  16. Your granddaughter is beautiful and yes being a Nonna is wonderful. I love all the pictures you shared, and now I want to swim with the turtles


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